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Scaling Data Culture

Leah Weiss and Gabi Steele, Founders @ Data Culture

Most executives report that it’s not technology or architecture that keeps them from creating a data-driven culture, it’s changing the mindset of their teams. And as data practitioners, we know there’s nothing more frustrating than building a robust data infrastructure that doesn’t help solve business problems or a suite of dashboards that are built on tight deadlines but quickly forgotten.

In parallel to implementing a modern data stack, Gabi and Leah have helped companies of all stages get the most out of their data by building community, empowering data consumers, and bridging the gap between data capabilities and business impact.

In this talk, they tell the story of how their grassroots data education program turned into a global community of data evangelists, and led them to embark on a mission to build and scale data culture across companies and industries.